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miércoles, 16 de noviembre de 2011

dos maneras distintas de atacar las dictaduras

EE.UU.: Acusan a Obama de "rendirse" ante hermanos Castro

15 de noviembre de 2011 | 11:30 p.m.
Sandro Marchand -
Lima -

La congresista republicana Ileana Ros-Lehtinen, presidenta del Comité de Asuntos Exteriores de la Cámara de Representantes de EE.UU., criticó hoy la política de "rendición" a la que según dijo se ha sometido el presidente Barack Obama ante las políticas de los hermanos Castro en Cuba.

"El Gobierno de Obama parece seguir una doctrina de rendición y capitulación frente a un enemigo jurado de Estados Unidos a sólo 90 millas (145 kilómetros) de nuestras costas", dijo en una conferencia en el centro de estudios conservador Fundación Heritage.

Ros-Lehtinen señaló que tras tres años del Gobierno de Obama "esta administración sigue dispuesta a tender la mano a los hermanos Castro, que no están dispuestos a aflojar su puño".
La congresista subrayó la importancia de combatir la "tiranía" y los "abusos sistemáticos" a los derechos humanos que "definen el régimen" cubano y consideró que "es nuestra obligación moral convertirnos en la voz de aquellos que están sufriendo bajo la opresión y ayudarles a ser libres".

Desde que Obama llegó al Gobierno ha tratado de buscar un acercamiento con el Gobierno de La Habana para propiciar un  cambio democrático en la isla, que ha sido criticado por varios legisladores republicanos, entre ellos Ros-Lehtinen.

En abril de 2009, Obama ordenó la flexibilización de los viajes y remesas de los cubanoestadounidenses con familiares en la isla y, el año pasado, relajó las restricciones de viajes culturales, religiosos o académicos.

En este periodo, Cuba puso en libertad el pasado marzo a los últimos presos del llamado "Grupo de los 75", algo que EE.UU. consideró entonces un "paso positivo", pero insistió en que es necesaria la liberación de todos los prisioneros políticos.

No obstante, para Estados Unidos es necesario que Cuba acometa reformas ya que, según dijo Obama en una entrevista con Efe en septiembre, "hasta el momento, no hemos visto el tipo de cambios que nos gustaría ver". EFE

martes, 1 de noviembre de 2011

will wilkinson

Will Wilkinson

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Will Wilkinson
Born 1973
Independence, Missouri
Education University of Northern Iowa (1995); M.A. in Philosophy from the Northern Illinois University (1998)
Occupation writer, public intellectual, blogger
Domestic partner Kerry Howley
Notable credit(s) policy analyst at the Cato Institute; Academic Coordinator of the Social Change Project and the Global Prosperity Initiative at The Mercatus Center at George Mason University; host of a weekly show, "Free Will," on; biweekly commentator on American Public Media'sMarketplace
Official website

Will Wilkinson (born 1973) is a Canadian American[1] libertarian writer. Until August 2010, he was a research fellow at the Cato Institute where he worked on a variety of issues including Social Security reform and, most notably, the policy implications of happiness research. He is currently working on a paper on how to think about economic inequality. Wilkinson was also the managing editor of the Cato Institute's monthly web magazine, Cato Unbound. Previously, he was Academic Coordinator of the Social Change Project and the Global Prosperity Initiative at The Mercatus Center at George Mason University, and, before that, he ran the Social Change Workshop for Graduate Students for The Institute for Humane Studies. His political philosophy is described by The American Conservative magazine as "Rawlsekian"; that is, a mixture of John Rawls's principles and Friedrich von Hayek's methods.[2]


[edit] Biography

Wilkinson was born in Independence, Missouri, and grew up in Marshalltown, Iowa. He graduated from the University of Northern Iowa in 1995, received his M.A. in Philosophy from the Northern Illinois University in 1998 and did work toward a Ph.D. at the University of Maryland.

[edit] Writing and Commentary

His writing has appeared in Slate,[3] Reason,[4] TCS Daily,[5] National Review,[6] the FoxNews website,[7] and on The Economist's Free Exchange economics blog,[8] where he was a regular contributor from 2007 onwards. As of 2010, he is one of the contributors of The Economist's Democracy in America blog under the pseudonym W.W.

Journalist Ryan Blitstein regards Wilkinson as an expert in the relationship of happiness research to public policy.[9] He has been cited on happiness and public policy in articles in Forbes,[10] The Los Angeles Times,[11] and The Washington Post.[12]

Wilkinson appears as a commentator every other week on American Public Media's widely syndicated radio show Marketplace. He is also the host of a weekly show, Free Will, on the current affairs diavlog site Bloggingheads TV. The show runs every Sunday and features discussions of new books and ideas with writers and intellectuals.

Wilkinson frequently appears in public forums and debates with leading intellectuals. In November 2007, Wilkinson, teamed with George Mason University economist Tyler Cowen, was pitted against Columbia University economist Jeffrey Sachs and University of Pennsylvania economist Betsey Stevenson in a highly publicized public debate on the economic and politics of happiness sponsored by The Economist newspaper.[13] Wilkinson has recently appeared with University of Chicago law professor Cass Sunstein and Stanford University psychology professor Philip Zimbardo at Cato Institute book forums where he offered critical comments on their recent books.[14][15]

On June 27, 2008, Wilkinson was cited by David Brooks as a member of a "group of young and unpredictable rightward-leaning writers" who have "emerged on the scene" in recent years. He calls their emergence a "genuine bright spot" for the conservative movement.[16]

[edit] Personal life

Wilkinson is an atheist. He has stated that he does not "like religion very much" in general and believes that less religious cultures or groups of people become better off. However, he has acknowledged that more religious people may be more likely to favor libertarianism in the United States than less religious people.[17]

[edit] Notes

[edit] External links